Kisekae dolls - also commonly known as KiSS dolls (an abbreviation for Kisekae Set System) - were a popular form of dress-up doll game in the 1990s-2000s. They took hold before Flash dress-up games became popular, and were popularized in the western community by the long-lived website Otakuworld. Unfortunately, in the later half of the 2000s, the community died out and took hundreds of websites and dolls with it. Otakuworld still stands today, but nobody knows how long an old site like that has, especially given that it officially ceased updates in 2014. However, I want to at least archive the dolls I was lucky enough to find and download before most sites ceased operation, as well as my own dolls that I worked on during the time period. (Even if I'm slightly embarrassed about my own old art!) Links to both my dolls and my archive can be found below. More information on the dolls will be on those pages. In order to play with these dolls, you need to download a KiSS viewer from here. Generally, I would recommend using UltraKiSS for any dolls you want to play with, but I've got a page here about the pros and cons of each viewer. If you're using DirectKiSS and the image looks funny, go to Tools-->Options-->Video and turn on Force Palette Emulation. |