Just like any hobby, people in the KiSS doll hobby tend to have... opinions over which viewer is best. In the current age, though, only some viewers will run properly on modern OSes, and not all viewers will be able to run all dolls. I'm assuming as a given that you don't know a lick of this, and so I'm going to give a run-down of the four most currently-usable viewers here. Note that I only use Windows; Mac and Linux users will have to ask elsewhere. My apologies on that! I can only offer guidance on what I know. |
UltraKiSS Created by William Miles + Still in active development |
Created by emk + Extremely simple to use |
DirectKiSS Created by Dov Sherman and Stephen P. Lepisto + Created and maintained by two of the owners of OtakuWorld, one of the most known and notable KiSS webpages |
PlayFKiSS Created by Chad Randall + Another classic viewer with widespread support and knowledge Bonus info: Back in the early 00s, Randall was also trying to get a second and third version of PlayFKiSS off the ground. You can try those viewers too if you like - the link to his old site is here. Be warned though - these are preview and alpha versions and may not work properly on modern Windows. Here there be dragons! |